Page 4 - Annual Report 2011

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Opening the door to independent living
A word from the Chairman
When we celebrated our 21st birthday some two years ago, there
was much reminiscing about the Trust’s early years and how we first
began our journey as a charitable organisation. Good as that was,
especially for those of us that have been with the Trust since its
inception, it cuts no ice in the reality of today’s financial climate.
Being businesslike and efficient, providing quality services and
ensuring we are “ahead of the game” is what is needed if we are to
celebrate another 21 years of success.
I am proud to Chair an organisation that has the needs of its
customers at the heart of everything we do. With a dedicated staff
team throughout the country, delivering services and support to
countless people with disabilities, older people and parent carers, we
can all be proud of our achievements. Further information regarding
our services and achievements are available in the reports from the
Chief Executive and Director of Operations.
The social care world has changed beyond recognition in the last 23
years, and I know that everyone involved with Penderels Trust
understands this change will continue. The challenge for us is to
ensure our services remain personalised and customer focused and
that we continue to develop innovative services which ensure
individuals with disabilities and their carers are given every
opportunity “to open the door to independent living”.
Penny Collard