Penderels Trust Resource House 1A Brandon Lane Coventry CV3 3GU Telephone: 024 7651 1611
Penderels Trust Resource House 1A Brandon Lane Coventry CV3 3GU Telephone: 024 7651 1375
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I am a young male with autism, and live with my mum, dad and cat, in Stratford upon Avon. I am physically able and with prompting can usually address personal hygiene and dressing needs, I may need prompts to dress appropriately for the weather or an activity. I have good vocabulary and makes myself understood by talking. I can usually understand what people mean when they speak to me, but sometimes can misunderstand when words with more than one meaning are used, I am very literal. I have a very good memory, in particular for things that trouble me, I can become anxious and troubled by jumbled thoughts and memories of things I don’t like. I need support and prompting to eat and drink. I can walk long distances, but do not drive. I need support to safely access activities and places, and to stay safe when out in the community. I need support to interact with people who don’t know him well and he frequently needs support to manage my anxiety and fears. I do some volunteering, such as delivering leaflets and quality control checking for a distribution business, with the support of ECO Work-Shop. PLEASE NOTE MUST OWN A CAR WITH FULL DRVING LICENCE AND BUSNIESS CLASS INSURANCE