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News from Penderels Trust

Changes to Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) and Coronavirus COVID-19

12th March 2020

Following the budget yesterday, the rules around Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) have been temporarily changed for people who have been diagnosed with Coronavirus COVID-19 or who are unable to work because they are self-isolating in line with Government advice.  SSP will be payable from day 1 instead of day 4.

People who are advised to self-isolate for COVID-19 will soon be able to obtain an alternative to the ‘fit note’ to cover this by contacting 111, rather than visiting the doctor. Further information will be confirmed shortly, we will keep you updated.

For people who are not eligible for SSP, for example those earning below the Lower Earnings Limit of £118 per week, can now more easily make a claim for Universal Credit or Contributory Employment and Support Allowance.

Please visit https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/support-for-those-affected-by-covid-19/support-for-those-affected-by-covid-19 for more information.

Please continue to help reduce the spread of the virus by following information given by the Government and NHS.  Public health information can be found at https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/

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