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News from Penderels Trust

Free PPE Extended until March 2023 for Personal Assistants

31st January 2022

Frontline workers, including Personal Assistants, will be able to access free PPE until March 2023.
Free PPE can be ordered from the new PPE portal which launched earlier this month (https://www.ppe-portal.nhs.uk/customer/account/login/.)
If you have used the old portal to order PPE in the past, you will have received an invitation to join the new portal.
For anyone wishing to order PPE but without an account, you need to contact your local authority for access. 

See the press release here: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/free-ppe-for-frontline-extended-for-another-year?fbclid=IwAR0Yafu0OMXreWUHXixhlPfCaDqgqyBCVbR8rq3cQwYB43odKKz32ghNkOQ

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